購入したい方、購入を検討されてる方は番号と希望金額をコメントして下さい。❌は売り切れです。Alphase ❌1Miss may I ❌2Issues 3My first story 4Crystal lake 5Issues 6 78Sim 7 12 19 20 22 25 27 30 31 33Cloud7 8Alphase 9Evils of war 10Before my life fails 11 73 ❌75Chunk no chaplain chunk 13While she sleeps ❌14 ❌42Emmure ❌15 ❌84Desolated 16Cigarettes after sex ❌17 ❌23Victim of deception ❌18Breathe Carolina 21Five new old 24Artema 26 50 80 85Night the skyline 28Fear,and loathing in lasvegas 29 82 87Wolf down 32Capture the crown 34 39Of mice & man 35We came as romance 36 47 72Make my day 37Korn 38Sludge 40Bring me the horizon 41Wrong city 43 46Angagement 44Wanima 45 65Whether, I 48Sand 49Public menace 51Slipknot 52 53A ghost of flare 54Attila 55Keep your hands off my girl 56 58Does it escape again 59一部歌詞が無いのもあります。お値段例外ありです。宜しくお願いします。