THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN 8冊セット\r子供が読んだ本ですのでノークレームノーリターンでお願いします。\r\r本棚に置くと背表紙のイラストが可愛いセットです。アマゾンでは16,000円ほどのようですので、まだ綺麗なお品をお安くいかがですか?\r\rTintin shows young readers that the world in all its complexity is theirs to bestride. The Wall Street Journal\r\rI'm an avid fan of Tintin. Growing up, these stories captured my imagination, inspired me to travel the globe and to have adventures of my own. (Frank Gardner, 'Tintin's Adventure with Frank Gardner', BBC Two, 2011)\r\rI became enthralled with the way Hergé told his stories. Grand, epic, global adventures about a young reporter who goes all around the world looking for stories to tell. (Steven Spielberg, 'The Adventures of Spielberg: An Interview', The New York Times, 2011)\r\rTop 100 Children’s Book – Time Out (2022)\r\rTerrific world-straddling adventures. (Frank Cottrell-Boyce, Ten Essential Children’s Books, Books for Keeps, 2020)