The financial regulation party of Ghad Al-Thawrah Party includes:
Chapter 1
Article (1) Scope of Implementation of the Financial Regulations and Defining the Functions:
The provisions of this regulation shall apply to all transactions related to the party, its secretariats and its committees in the governorates, centers, divisions, villages, sheikhs, squares, and everything that would deal in or maintain the party’s funds and all those whose work or specialization relates to the party’s internal control systems and internal review and control, preparation of planning budgets and final accounts and external financial control.
Article (2) The party leader is the one who represents it in all his financial dealings and his legal actions with others and in litigation in his name, and he/she may delegate to him/her or some of his financial powers to the party’s treasurer. He may also delegate whoever sees his mandate to initiate legal cases in the name of the party.
Article (3) The party treasurer and his assistant shall be in charge of all the financial affairs of the party at all its organizational levels, and the treasurer shall have a body that carries out the daily financial work, the maintenance of the party’s accounts, auditing work, and internal financial control. This body is formed according to what is specified in the party’s financial regulations.
The treasurer has the right to delegate some of his powers to the fund trustees in the governorates, centers, divisions, villages, shyakhas and squares to others who assist him/her in his/her responsibilities.
Article (4) The supreme body of the party shall research and study what is related to the financial affairs of the party at its various organizational levels, and in particular the following issues and topics: –
1- Studying the party’s financial policy.
2- Studying the party’s draft financial budget and submitting it to the permanent council for approval.
3- Examining and approving requests to open additional appropriations in the party’s financial budget or transferring it from one chapter to another.
4- Studying and approve the organizational structure of the party’s financial apparatus, the system of work distribution, and define the terms of reference for this body, based on what is presented by the treasurer.
5- Studying the detailed financial regulations of the party and any other detailed regulations related to financial affairs that are supervised by the treasurer and present them to the political bureau for approval.
6- Studying the financial inspection, internal review and follow-up reports submitted to it by the treasurer, with the aim of extracting the best ways to treat whatever problems may arise, developing appropriate solutions, and taking the necessary measures to secure the party’s funds.
7- Studying the party’s budget prepared at the end of each fiscal year, the final accounts, and the reports of the external financial control bodies, and approve and approve them in preparation for submitting them to the party’s general assembly for approval.
8- Taking the necessary measures regarding observations or recommendations that may be included in the reports of external financial control bodies.
Article (5) It is not permissible for a member whose membership has been forfeited for any reason, or his heirs in the event of death, the right to recover the enrollment fee, subscription, donations or gifts that he has provided to the party during his membership.
Article (6) The Presidential Council of the party determines the value of each of the joining fees, the subscription fee, the method of collecting the contributions, the procedures to be followed in this, and the cases of exemption from participation or the joining fee.
Article (7) The party’s fiscal year begins on the first of January and ends on December 13 of each year.
Chapter II
• Party finances
Article (8) The party’s financial resources consist of: –
1- Membership fees and member subscriptions.
2- Member donations.
3- The proceeds of the party’s investment in non-commercial aspects.
4- All sources of income and financing stipulated in the body of the political parties law are activities from which the party’s financing is permitted, and the party may not engage in financial speculation, nor may it spend its money for purposes other than the purposes for which it was established.
Article (9) The party deposits its funds in an Egyptian bank in Cairo, and the funds allocated to the party committees are deposited in the bank branches located in its district or the closest branch to it.
Article (10) The accounts of the party shall be audited by an auditor (at least one) selected by the supreme body of the party for the period determined for membership of the council to undertake the following functions: –
A- Checking the accounts of the party first.
B – Review the implementation of the budget provisions and submit the observations he/she deems appropriate to the supreme body of the party.
C- Reviewing the final account before submitting it to the party’s higher committee.
D – Submit a full report to the General Assembly on the party’s financial condition.
A remuneration may be granted to the auditor, provided that it is determined by a decision of the party’s higher body.
Article (11) The Presidential Council of the party has the right to change the auditor. It also has the right to approve the remuneration determined for him/her by the supreme body of the party.
Article (12) Members of the party’s higher committee shall not be granted any reward for the work they provide to the party.
Article (13) All funds of the party, its fixed and movable property, donations, wills, etc. are considered the property of the party and the members have no right to it, and they are considered in the rule of public funds in the application of the provisions of the Penal Code. The aforementioned law, and the provisions of the Graft Law apply to all of them.
Article (14) The supreme body of the party or a committee shall prepare a report on the party’s financial policy, a summary of its financial budget, details of donations and grants accepted by the party during the year, a summary of its budget and final accounts prepared for the fiscal year, and the important notes included in the reports of the external financial control bodies and the measures that have been taken About them, and this report was presented to the party’s general conference.
Taking the necessary measures in the matter of accountability and imposition of the penalty for all those who commit financial irregularities or deviations from members of the party and its employees.
Chapter II
The fiscal year and the general budget
Article (15) The party’s fiscal year begins on the first of January and ends at the end of December of each year.
Article (16) The party shall have a general financial budget that represents the annual financial program necessary to implement its plan to develop and revitalize its political work at home and abroad in order to achieve the goals for which it was established and stipulated in its statute. The general financial budget includes all revenues, uses, and comparative figures shown by the final prepared accounts from the previous year.
Article (17) The general financial budget of the party is divided into: –
A- A current budget.
B- An investment budget.
The current budget includes an estimate of the current uses of wages and current expenditures related to the size of the activity, as well as an estimate of the current revenues represented in the revenues of the current activity from the established fees, membership subscriptions, parties, financial support that the party receives, donations, grants and subsidies that are accepted from individuals and organizations, and transfer revenues resulting from revenues Incidental, such as interest on credit, capital gains, surplus revenue from party projects, compensation and fines collected, etc., and includes the investment budget on the investment uses side of the total fixed capital formation of what is expected to be acquired from the assets during the fiscal year, and also includes on the revenue side the financing elements from the surplus carried over from years The precedent, the surplus from the current budget, the cost of the assets sold, or any other capital resources. The general uses of the party are divided into sections according to the type of use, and the chapters are divided into homogeneous items.
The elements of the budget, including resources and uses, are determined according to the schedules prepared by the treasurer in accordance with the nature and type of the party’s activity. He may amend the contents of these schedules from year to year in accordance with the conditions and development of the political work of the party and its activity.
The estimates are sent from the parties concerned with the party, supported by the foundations and studies on which they are based, to the treasurer no later than the end of August of each year, and the preparation of the budget project ends at a date not later than the end of October.
Article (18) The preparation of the general financial budget must include clarification of the foreign exchange needs, distributed in total across the budget chapters, and a detail on the level of its items.
Article (19) It is not permissible to authorize disbursement or to be associated with expenditures except within the limits of the appropriations established in the general financial budget, provided that in cases of necessity, the treasurer may – after the approval of the party’s supreme body – authorize to override the appropriation for any of the items, provided that there is savings in the rest of the items. The same chapter suffices to meet the required excess, and the treasurer may also authorize the transfer from one type to another within the same clause without exceeding the limits of the approved provision for the clause.
Article (20) In the event that the procedures for approving the party’s general fiscal budget have not ended until the beginning of the new fiscal year, work shall continue with the previous budget and its rules.
Article (21) The fees and membership fees for the party are determined as follows:
A- Membership application fee of EGP 01, to be paid upon submitting the membership application form.
B – The annual subscription of EGP 06 at a rate of five pounds per month and is paid during the first three months of the fiscal year. The joining member pays the said annual subscription upon submitting the membership application form.
C- The nomination fee for the elections of five hundred pounds each
Organizational levels in the party and paid upon submitting the candidacy application form. The amount is doubled for candidates for the High Authority elections.
D- Based on what the party’s supreme body proposes, the treasurer sets a system for collecting a monthly subscription from the various leadership levels, provided that its outcome amounts to funding for the same level at the governorate level and for the party’s fund at the central level, and each member of the supreme body pays an annual subscription of no less than six thousand pounds The sum is doubled for members of the Presidency Council, members of parliamentary bodies and local councils are exempted from all the above fees and subscriptions, and the party leader may exempt some members from some or all of the above.
Chapter III
Financial transactions and accounting system
Article (22) All party revenues of all kinds shall be deposited in the party’s accounts in an Egyptian bank immediately upon receipt. It is not permissible to disbursed them in any way. It is forbidden to deposit the party’s funds in accounts in banks or others in the names of party members or others.
Article (23) It is not permissible in all cases to accept conditional financial resources if their conditions are detrimental to the party, its policy, objectives, programs, or the higher interests of the country.
Article (24) In all cases, the provisions of the laws and regulations issued by the state must be adhered to, including the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Law and the regulations and instructions related to it, in relation to the financial transactions of the party and its members.
Article (25) It is not permissible to spend from the party’s funds except within the limits of the purposes approved by the party’s competent authorities while adhering to the rules of the general financial budget approved by the party’s Presidential Council.
Article (26) The treasurer prepares a draft detailed financial regulation and other regulations that regulate the provisions related to securing party funds, procedures for arrest and disbursement, accounting registration, filing of financial documents, internal control and review systems, and defining the terms of reference for all organizational levels and determining the functions of workers.
Article (28) A permanent cash advance or more is established under the custody of the treasurers and is financed from the party’s bank accounts and disbursed from them according to the rules determined by the detailed financial regulations. The balance of this advance must be preserved in the iron safe prepared for this at the party’s headquarters, and a temporary cash covenant may be established
Article (27): Disbursement from the party’s funds shall be by checks drawn on its bank accounts, except in cases that the detailed financial regulations allow for disbursement from permanent cash advances, and the aforementioned regulation specifies the powers of signature and disbursement in different cases.
Article (28) A permanent cash advance or more is established under the custody of the treasurers, and it is financed from the party’s bank accounts and disbursed from them according to the rules specified by the detailed financial regulations. The balance of this advance must be preserved in the iron treasury prepared for this at the party’s headquarters, and a temporary cash covenant for disbursement may be established. They are for specific purposes, and the rules stipulated in the aforementioned financial regulations are followed in their regard.
Article (29) In all cases, expenditures and payments, as well as revenues and receipts, must be fully supported by sufficient legal and financial documents.
Article (30) Under the supervision of the treasurer, accounting systems and financial entry records were set up, in accordance with the applicable rules and concepts. The provisions of the detailed financial regulations indicate the necessary systems and records in this regard.
The aforementioned systems must include the maintenance of records to record commitments to budget appropriations according to their prescribed divisions.
Article (31): The party’s funds, movables and possessions must be insured against the dangers of fire, theft, loss and breach of trust.
Article (32) The treasurer may issue the financial instructions and publications necessary for the proper conduct of financial transactions, accounting entries, preparation of financial statements and final accounts, and preservation of supporting documents within the limits of the provisions of these regulations.
Chapter Iv
Final accounts and external control
Article (33) At the end of each year, an actual inventory of all funds, movables and property of the party is carried out, and the debts and obligations incurred by the party are counted on the aforementioned date, and the procedures and rules for the inventory and debts and obligations are followed by the systems and rules stipulated in the detailed financial regulations.
Article (34) The party’s budget is prepared at the end of the fiscal year, as well as the final accounts, in accordance with the established principles and in accordance with the rules stipulated in the detailed financial regulations. In portraying the final accounts, the principle of entitlement for expenditures and burdens must be taken into account, so that each fiscal year carries all the expenses and burdens associated with it. Whether or not paid until the end of the fiscal year.
All revenues are included on the basis of the actual receipts from them up to the date indicated, as well as the revenues that are confirmed to be collected during the period of preparing the budget and final accounts and are related to the fiscal year for which these accounts are prepared, with the exception of membership subscriptions that are always dealt on the basis of the proceeds from them during the fiscal year, and the preparation must be completed. The budget, final accounts and their attachments should be prepared at the end of April of each year. These accounts are approved by the party’s Presidential Council in preparation for approval by the party’s general assembly.
Article (35) is based on monitoring the accounts of the party and one or more account auditors from natural persons, and this auditor is required to do the following: –
1- He/she must be of Egyptian nationality and fulfil the conditions required by the laws of the country.
2- He/she must be one of the owners of an existing accounting and auditing firm
In the Arab Republic of Egypt, and that he has practiced the profession of accounting and auditing for a period of no less than fifteen years.
3- If the auditor’s place is vacant for any reason before he finishes performing his assigned task, the party’s higher body calls for an emergency meeting to appoint another auditor according to the aforementioned rules.
In the performance of his duties and responsibilities, the auditor shall abide by the provisions of the applicable laws, the constitution of the accounting and auditing profession, and the current custom.
Party accounts are also subject to oversight by the Central Auditing Organization and other oversight bodies.
These reports must be presented to the permanent council of the party with the final account, and the reports of the auditor and other financial oversight bodies referred to above shall be presented to the supreme body of the party for consideration and taking the necessary action regarding them before the budget and the final accounts to the general assembly for approval.
Article (36) whoever violates the provisions of the party’s financial regulations or the detailed financial regulations that are to be issued shall be held accountable, and punished.
Article (37) Sources of party financing are donations from founding members and other active memberships, in addition to subscriptions and all sources of income and financing stipulated in the core of the political parties law from the activities permitted to finance the party.
The party deposits its accounts in Egyptian banks, and the party’s general assembly chooses the chartered accountant responsible for auditing the party’s accounts.
Article (38) In the event that the party is dissolved for any reason, the party’s funds and property devolve to the state.
Done with the God Almighty and his success…