Revolution – Freedom – Third Way.. Religion for God & homeland for all
Ghad Al-Thawrah Party is a social, liberal political party that accepts the other, believes in democratic social thought and includes all democratic forces that represent the center, right-center and center-left trend in Egyptian political life. It fights for the sake of homeland, freedom, justice, rejects totalitarian and racist ideas, and rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
Ghad Al-Thawrah seeks to complete the comprehensive constitutional and political change, encourages economic liberalization and comprehensive development in its civilian, social, economic, cultural, legislative, political and technical fields.
It believes in social solidarity to protect the interests of the incapable and social peace, freedom of opinion and worship for all sects, the original Egyptian values, human rights, justice, freedom and equality between All members of people and humanity, with peace and establishing friendly relations, communication and cooperation with all peoples of the world, with the Egyptian identity, Arab, Islamic, African and Mediterranean belonging, and with positive participation in the formation of the new world of tomorrow and the new global culture, for the sake of human progress and well-being and the right to live happy and free under the Values of goodness, love, justice and mercy.
After the glorious January 25 revolution, we dream of a future of Egypt, a strong and advanced Egypt, ruled by its free people by themselves, without tutelage or subordination. Egypt has regained its health and regained its glorious position in the record of civilization, to actively participate in the march of the progress of humanity.
Hence, we aspire for the “Ghad Al-Thawrah” to have a major role, as one of the active political and social forces and catalysts for reform, and to become the leading forum for national dialogue and patriotic action, and to communicate strongly with the masses of the nation, to lead the development process, and to actively participate in opinion, study and action, for Realizing this noble national dream.
We seek to revive the spirit of development and stimulate the positive energies of the nation, in order to revive the original values and constructive behaviors, to develop the Egyptian civilization, and to lead the path of national action and comprehensive reform and development, so that Egypt obtains its rightful place among the advanced nations, and actively participates in building the future of human civilization. Through:
1- The revival of religious tolerance that aims to protect freedom of belief and equality in rights and duties, adopting the slogan of religion for God and the homeland for all.
2- The revival of Egyptian patriotism, which aims to develop the national feeling and prove the Egyptian national self, restore the characteristics of the Egyptian personality and deepen the roots of belonging to the homeland, the Arab and Islamic nation, the African environment, and with all peoples who believe in peace.
3- Implementing the social democratic system as a political system aimed at resolving conflicts by peaceful means, ensuring peaceful change in society, protecting freedoms and political rights, achieving legal equality among citizens, and establishing a modern state in which a representative and parliamentary system of government is based on decentralization of governance and administration, and the state has a social function .
4- Implementing a free social economy as an economic system aimed at protecting economic rights and freedoms, encouraging individual initiative, implementing the market system and lifting restrictions on economic activity, taking into account the social dimension.
5- The application of social justice as a social system aimed at liberating people from all forms of exploitation, bridging the differences between income, protecting legitimate earnings, implementing the social security system, and building a modern state with a social function.
And while the founders of the party and its members believe in what is stated in this system, they all pledge to achieve these goals towards a modern, civil Egypt that will achieve the goal of the great Egyptian people’s revolution on Jan. 25, 2011.