Vision and Goals, Principles and Directions


After the glorious January 25 revolution, believing in the people’s right to establish their parties on the basis of party pluralism and in the shadow of true democracy – adhering to their right contained in international human rights agreements and the constitutional declaration of the Arab Republic of Egypt

We dream of a future Egypt, a strong and advanced Egypt, ruled by its free people by themselves, without tutelage or subordination. Egypt has regained its health and regained its glorious place in the record of civilization, to actively participate in the march of the progress of humanity.

Hence, we hope that the “New Egyptian Party of Tomorrow” will have a major role, as one of the active political and social forces that catalyze reform, and that it will become the leading forum for national dialogue and patriotic action, and to communicate strongly with the masses of the nation, to lead the development process, to actively participate in opinion, study and work, for the sake of realizing this noble national dream.

the message

The new Egyptian Al-Ghad Party is a political party that aims to: –

Raising the spirit of development and stimulating the positive energies of the nation, in order to revive the original values and constructive behaviors, develop the Egyptian civilization culture, and lead the path of national action and comprehensive reform and development, so that Egypt obtains its decent place among the advanced nations, and actively participates in building the future of human civilization through the means next :

First: The revival of religious tolerance that aims to protect freedom of belief and equality in rights and duties, adopting the slogan of religion for God and the homeland for all.

Second: The revival of Egyptian patriotism, which aims to develop the national feeling and prove the Egyptian national self, restore the characteristics of the Egyptian personality and deepen the roots of belonging to the homeland, the Arab and Islamic nation, the African environment, and with all peoples who believe in peace.

Third: Implementing the social democratic system as a political system aimed at resolving conflicts by peaceful means, ensuring peaceful change in society, protecting freedoms and political rights, achieving legal equality among citizens, and establishing a modern state in which a representative and parliamentary system of government is based on decentralization in governance and administration, and the state has a social function .

Fourth: Implementing a free social economy as an economic system aimed at protecting economic rights and freedoms, encouraging individual initiative, implementing the market system and lifting restrictions on economic activity, taking into account the social dimension.

Fifthly: the application of social justice as a social system aimed at liberating people from all forms of exploitation, bridging the differences between incomes, protecting legitimate earnings, implementing the social security system, and building a modern state with a social function.

Political identity
The New Egyptian Ghad Party is a social, liberal political coalition that accepts the other and believes in the democratic social thought and includes in its ranks all the democratic forces that represent the center, right-center and center-left trend in Egyptian political life. It fights for the sake of the homeland, freedom and justice, rejects totalitarian and racist ideas, and rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

It seeks to complete the comprehensive constitutional and political change, encourages economic liberalization and comprehensive development in its civilizational, social, economic, cultural, legislative, political and technical fields, and believes in social solidarity to protect the interests of the incapable and ensure social peace, freedom of opinion and worship for all sects, the original Egyptian values, human rights, justice, freedom and equality between All members of the people and humanity, with peace and establishing friendly relations, communication and cooperation with all peoples of the world, with the Egyptian identity, Arab, Islamic, African and Mediterranean affiliation, and with positive participation in the formation of the new world of tomorrow and the new global culture, for the sake of human progress and prosperity and the right to live happily and freely under the shadow of Values of goodness, love, justice and mercy.
National goals
Economic goals
A decent standard of life: to reach Egypt by the year 2020 to become one of the economically advanced countries, and the Egyptian citizen enjoys the same standard of living and quality of life similar to those in developed countries.

  • The growth of the GDP and its increase in the global economic output, the increase in the competitiveness of the Egyptian product, the increasing of the competitiveness of the Egyptian product, the reduction of the proportion of transactions in the invisible economy, the attainment of per capita productivity and unemployment rates in line with global rates, the achievement of a growing surplus in the trade balance, and the raising of the pace of growth. Production at the largest possible rate, through a policy of raising the level of investments and modernizing the production apparatus to meet the new data imposed by the globalization of markets.
    Mobilizing to overcome the problem of unemployment and employment through a policy that gives priority to investments as well as attention to programs that achieve public benefit and encourage private investment
    Defining an ambitious policy for development through a balanced vision for the growth of society within the framework of a policy aimed at strengthening the level of the economic and social infrastructure while empowering all parties with the minimum necessary to launch the development dynamics in them.
    Developing villages economically, socially and culturally, and investing in these villages in accordance with their nature, demographic composition and productivity.
    Directing urban growth for the development of cities to avoid their inflation, and setting up a national project to confront the crisis of major cities
    Strengthening Egypt’s position in the international economy, confronting fluctuations and engaging in contemporary industrial, scientific and technical civilization
    Social goals: To improve the quality of life and services
    Improvement in income distribution rates among individuals, sects and groups of people, and between major cities and the rest of the country.
    Improving health care standards (increasing life expectancy – reducing child mortality) and the level of educational services and reducing illiteracy rates
    Achieving social solidarity and reducing the percentage of those below the poverty line
    Respect for the humanity and inherent rights of the human being
    Strong social homogeneity between the various sects in the nation’s fabric
    Work to build solid social and family values
    Disturbing population density
    Fighting poverty, marginalization, and exclusion, through a policy aimed at achieving social justice
    Applying the principle of universal social coverage, and reviewing the social security system to include workers and the unemployed
    Modernizing society while preserving its distinguished personality
    Preserving the environment as a basic condition that economic and social activities abide by
    Political goals: democracy and decentralization
    The people rule for themselves through free, direct elections
    Freedom to form parties and publish newspapers
    Reaching balanced ratios between representation of the ruling party and representation of the opposition in the People’s Assembly
    Election of governors, mayors and mayors, decentralization of decision-making, decentralized distribution of resources, and an escalation of a real role for local governance
    The development of the constitution so that it stipulates the principles of national action, the rights and duties of citizenship, the existence of consistency in the legal constitution, the legislative and the executive, and the achievement of justice and speedy settlement of cases
    Developing the relationship between state institutions and achieving balance in its powers
    The presence of advanced and dynamic administrative systems that encourage private and public work, attract local and foreign investment, and raise the quality of life
    The existence of legislations and systems that improve the management of the country’s resources without direct government intervention except in the smallest extent
    Feeling of security (low rates of crimes and accidents, respect for laws, and a sense of security)
    Civilized and cultural goals
    Supporting local cultural production and consumption, and restoring regional leadership, culturally and in the media
    Active participation in the formation of the new cosmic culture
    Increasing awareness of national identity and belonging
    Human development goals
    Developing and optimizing the use of Egyptian human resources locally and internationally, and discovering, caring for and properly employing talented people in every field
    Deepening affiliation, participation, positivity and promotion of the national vision in order to stimulate, inspire and direct work and private and public creativity without forcing
    Technological development goals
    Work to bring about tangible qualitative progress in scientific research and technological capacity in strategic areas (information technology, artificial intelligence and robotics, materials engineering, fuel and renewable energy engineering, electronics and communications, lasers, micro-mechanics, medical engineering, medicine and treatment, defense and protection systems, food. And agricultural production, educational technology, etc.).
    Scientific progress and the encouragement of innovation and invention
    Foreign policy goals
    Objectives related to national security and the defense system
    Preserving and developing the Egyptian and Arab national security system
    The existence of a strong government that enjoys the constitutional legitimacy that expresses the people and gains from that its strength and weight
    Party principles
    We believe in the following principles as a basis for patriotic action:

The right to citizenship allows every Egyptian to participate effectively and freely in the march of national action and in making fateful decisions that affect his present, tomorrow, and the future of his children. And that freedom, democracy and the existence of an appropriate economic, social, cultural and legislative climate supports belonging and giving.
The people of Egypt have long since passed the stage of adulthood, and have proven their ability to endure the most difficult sacrifices, have a good appreciation of responsibility and local, regional and international conditions with precision and diligence, and that they can manage their affairs by themselves without the tutelage of anyone.
Justice is the basis of governance, and that the constitution is the reference for the law, and that the people must participate in drafting a true constitution that expresses the nation’s conscience, establishes principles and human rights, is in line with the principles of natural and divine law, sets standards that ensure justice is achieved, and contains guarantees that ensure the separation of powers So that one authority does not oppress another, without being bound by any executive references, personal considerations, or political systems that may differ or change.
The administrative systems and laws in place must allow the people to strive for livelihood and to exercise their normal lives in freedom, reassurance and with the least restrictions, and that the legislator’s interference in the legalization of transactions is only within the internationally recognized limits in the regulation of civil transactions, and that the accused is innocent until proven guilty, and that good faith is presumed. In all cases until proven otherwise.
The government, with its administrative bodies, is an executive authority that has existed to serve the people and achieve the interests of the homeland, and that the people have entrusted them with specific administrative tasks for a certain period, within the limits of the constitution and the law, and that the representatives of the government in all their dealings with the people must have a spirit of service and care towards the people who have delegated them They bear their wages from taxes, and that the government does not impose on the people to adhere to complex routine procedures in order to obtain basic services or licenses for practicing any profession or activity. Rather, the government’s mission is to facilitate the task of the people and their bodies in order to produce, progress and catch up with nations. Developed.
Change and pluralism are the two features of life, and they are necessary for the renewal of the nation’s youth and thought and the continuation of its generations, and that the constitution must contain guarantees that ensure the legal, peaceful, orderly and regular rotation of power, allowing the people to benefit from the creative capabilities of their distinguished children, through free, fair and open elections.
Egypt is the cradle of civilization, and that peace based on justice enables the peoples of the region and the world to achieve comprehensive development and achieve prosperity and prosperity, and it enables Egypt to participate positively in the formation of the global culture and world order, within a framework of dialogue and cooperation with other civilizations and countries.
Placing Egypt as a civilized regional leader makes it in a pioneering position, given the strategic weight and national responsibility that this carries.
General trends
Egypt is a country rich in wealth and the minds and arms of its people, and a regional center of gravity that enjoys the genius of location and location.
The problems of ignorance, poverty and backwardness can be overcome with ambitious visions, and serious scientific solutions, both traditional and novel.
Getting rid of the national dichotomy between liberal trends and bureaucratic systems inherited from the totalitarian era, duplication and sterility of administrative systems, accompanied by constitutional change and radical legislative reform, will unleash the potential for development to achieve prosperity in a few decades of serious national work.
The Egyptian human being is the basis of development and the source of wealth. Developing the creative and working Egyptian human energies and directing them to achieve objective and ambitious national goals is a guarantor of achieving the goals, with God’s grace.
Adopting the method of thinking, scientific and practical research, and focusing on the civilized development of values, behaviors, customs and systems is the basis for progress and advancement.
True comprehensive development with its economic, social, political and cultural aspects is the key to renaissance.
Administrative systems are tools for achieving the interests of the people and the nation and are not an end in themselves or idols to be worshiped.
The progress of the nation depends on the state’s ability to adopt and develop talents, encourage those who succeed in private and public work, and take the hand of those who may stumble in the course of serious national work, and unite the people of all sects towards achieving the dream of progress.
The role of the government is to create an appropriate climate for private work and a safe and decent life for citizens, and that it motivates and does not compel, spends and does not produce, assigns the private sector to implement all the services it can provide for the benefit of the government without having the means of production, so little tax is deducted in a realistic and gradual manner Collection and stamp duty.
The commitment to free education and treatment does not conflict with the government’s relinquishment of providing those services itself, on the basis that the private sector and the forces of competition are able to provide the best services at the lowest cost with the highest efficiency.
The private sector is capable of bringing about the desired economic progress if the appropriate legislative and administrative environment is available to it.
Non-governmental civil society organizations have an important role in the national, service, and volunteer work to raise the nation.
Legislation and administrative solutions must take into account the interests of the different sectors of the people before implementation, taking into account the rehabilitation or compensation of those who may be harmed by any administrative or legal reform.
an introduction
And the party’s vision of the international, regional and local situation

Introduction to the program
This program is not only a program for a new party, through which we seek merely to distinguish itself from the programs of other parties, but rather this comprehensive program for the salvation and advancement of the “New Egyptian Tomorrow” in order to deliver the banner to future generations in a better condition than what we found on it more civilized and modern, more open and enlightened. And democracy, in order to confidently raise the slogan of Egypt as a “modern state.” Egypt is a state free of addiction, respects human rights, and helps people with special needs among the handicapped, and for Egypt to have its independent political position and will that imposes its strategic weight. We have tried to benefit from the experiences of others. The New Egyptian Tomorrow “Exit from the crises of yesterday and today, and on the political side, we can say that the goal of political action is to reach the rotation of power and governance to supervise the administration and management of public affairs. We are well aware that a political body cannot gain the support of the popular will unless it addresses the citizens with a program that specifies Its basic principles and reflect the desires of citizens and their legitimate aspirations, listens to their concerns and searches for their problems, to restore the absent realism. The political, economic and social program of the “New Egyptian Tomorrow”, on which realism was a solid ground on which we built, credibility is a lofty goal for which we sought, and moral and political commitment is a decade we have bound ourselves to.

The party’s endeavor to obtain the confidence of the citizens is the supreme goal and the first ambition, and for that, we cannot pay anything but sincerity to the principles and goals that we have set for ourselves, dedication to work, humility to the desires of citizens, and overcoming all difficulties with them.

The evaluation of the results obtained in Egypt at all levels clearly shows the shortcomings it suffers from today in the face of the urgent political, economic, social, cultural and technical challenges that impose themselves in an ever-increasing manner.

At the political level: –
We find the political, constitutional and legal reforms that have taken place so far are insufficient and formal, and have not been effectively translated into the realm of practice to the desired extent.

On the economic level: –
The annual growth rate remained modest in the average and did not fulfill the desire to remedy the country’s backwardness. Rather, the stagnation of growth rates became a real obstacle to social and cultural development, as large segments of the population remained far from any real activation of development, thus rates of poverty, need and unemployment increased, and recession and economic depression reached their highest rates.

As for the social level: –
There is no doubt that unemployment is today the biggest concern that dominates the psyche of citizens, and it is a major cause of the wave of anxiety and fear of the future sweeping the vast majority of Egyptian families, and awareness of the magnitude of this problem has become a source of frustration that prevails among young people in all its locations, whether in educational institutions or outside them, in cities and villages.

The repeated promises no longer represent any glimmer of hope in this regard, especially since the state itself asserts that it is in the judgment of incapable of finding any solution to this dilemma.

Among the manifestations of this deficit: –

Its inability to move the economic mechanism

Failure to establish a policy that would revitalize the national private sector that belongs to national capitalism

  • Manifestations of moral degradation that pervades society and is represented in corruption, the spread of vice, illiteracy, drugs and bribery.

What concerns us in the first place is to define precisely our positions towards the new reality that the state is adopting in the context of the peculiarities of the Egyptian circumstance and the extent of its ability to deal with some of these new data.
These new data are distinguished by the following: –

The domination of the economic groupings of the developed countries over the global economy in a framework that serves their interests first.
The prevalence of the trend in the field of trade towards the rapid and complete liberalization of the currents of exchange and the dominance of a certain style based on preserving the basic macro-balances, reviewing the state, privatizing the public sector (the business sector) and respecting the reality of prices
The rapid development of the economic and knowledge infrastructure led to the backwardness of many productive sectors, as new pioneering sectors emerged, based on a high degree of technical knowledge.
The enormity of the crisis we are facing and the enormity of the efforts required highlight more than ever the country’s need for an ambitious community project that enables it to face the economic, social, cultural and technical challenges it faces and limits its march towards building a democratic society, which is exactly what the party aspires to in its societal project that aims to establish egalitarianism. It provides the society with a real opportunity to develop and catch up with the advanced nations in all areas of development.

In the political field: – The societal project wants to save the country from formal democracy

To enter it in tomorrow and a new era

In the economic field: – The project aims to bring the country out of a phase shackled by economic recession, to build a new model based on strong foundations and the nation’s energies.

From the social point of view: – It aims to build an advanced, balanced and solidarity society in which the individual enjoys his economic, social and cultural rights by meeting the basic needs of a citizen in terms of food – housing – health – education – social services.

Developing the economic infrastructure in the direction of strengthening it, raising the competitiveness of local production, and facilitating the country’s involvement in all areas of industrial civilization in line with the Egyptian peculiarity.
Developing social structures in the direction of reducing the differences between the components of society and establishing effective solidarity between them, subsidizing unemployment, full coverage of health care, caring for the poor, and establishing a bank for the poor.
Modernizing society by eradicating illiteracy and giving education, training, qualification and scientific research a fundamental place in the development of the country and openness to contemporary technology while adhering to Egyptian and Arab originality, values and customs.
We will take as an entry point to explain the new Egyptian Al-Ghad Party program

Talking about the changes that have occurred in the international situation and the consequences it imposes
Talking briefly about the Arab situation and the Egyptian situation
The party’s perception of the determinants and principles of the Egyptian foreign policy in a way that consecrates the supreme national interest
The party’s development strategy and its main axes
Administrative reform of state agencies and local administration
Talking about the financial and investment policy and how it becomes an effective tool to accelerate development programs
The need to reform and develop the structure of foreign trade and export development
The party’s vision of the problem of unemployment as the most dangerous issue facing young people and the need for the process of creating job opportunities for young people to occupy the top of the national work priorities
The national project to combat addiction, then the issue of water and the environment and the harmful effects of environmental pollution
Talking about different productive sectors such as agriculture, industry and tourism
Talking about the service sectors such as education, health, transportation and transportation
Housing and the need to prepare new legislation to regulate the relationship between the owner and the tenant
The judiciary is the most important guarantee for the stability of society
Culture, Media, Youth and Women.